After 4 hours journey in Istanbul, Canakkale who went 3-star hotel with private car special. The hotel had a very large spacious rooms and this place had great sea views. We first made ​​a very nice buffet breakfast and unlimited Canakkale caravanserai we went here and had a very tasty meal here engaged restaurants and tea gardens. first beachfront in 2004, starring Brad Pitt in the movie Troy Canakkale used horse sculpture exhibit in the coastal park. Approximately 1 hour by private vehicle Troy and here we have an open-air museum spread over a wide area and are very large excavation and restoration work since 1980. Here Bocsh restoration work is carried out by firms. Soldiers who were hiding at the statue described in the first written sources about Troy Troy, secretly enters the castle gate and war is the winning side. Is composed of 9 layers about Troy and each layer has a different civilization. bulunamkatd first 90 feet wide. In the last layer has a very nice road king adorned with statues and pillars. Troy has a very nice and not too big a theater and exhibition center. Very nice building, a town hall and a Troy Temple.